INDA poroXity [Y3] and artXity [Y4] student projects at Bangkok Design Week | Baan Saen Saep Gallery Bangkok | 27 January – 4 February 2024

PoroXity poster for Bangkok Design Week | 27 January – 4 February 2024
ArtXity poster for Bangkok Design Week | 27 January – 4 February 2024
BKKDW info INDA poroXity and artXity projects
Chat explaining his project to Patrick Keane
poroXity and artXity Year 3 INDA student projects at Gallery Baan Saen Saep during Bangkok Design Week
models by Layla [left] and Chat [right]
Chat’s tower with vertically stacked plots
Layla’s twisted Gateway tower on top of Baan Saen Saep complex
Gung’s stacked apartments in Islamic part
Net’s flowering tower alongside the canal
Par’s minimalist cantilevering tower
Finn’s parametric modular community
Kin’s weaving studios at former Jim Thomson’s workshop
opening 27th of January 2024
opening 27th of January 2024
Audrey’s poster and Indy’s physical digital model
From left to right: Ger’s, Prim’s, Elisa’s, Salima’s and Corneillia’sa posters
view from Baan Saen Saep café, great atmosphere, coffee and cake!